The Voice of the Petroleum Collectibles Hobby!
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PCM Magazine has articles on gas pumps, gasoline pump globes, oil cans, signs, reproduction alerts, new discoveries, auction and show coverage and more articles every month. We feature several pages of classified ads to bring buyers and sellers together. Monthly gas and oil show schedules are also listed so readers can keep up with all the latest events in our growing hobby.
PCM currently has 36-44 pages in full color with lots of photos. We have over 1500 subscribers and are into our 27th year of publishing PCM Magazine. An image of our current cover is on our PCM Magazine Cover Album .
Published and written by authors/collectors, Scott Benjamin and Wayne Henderson as well as other noted collectors, PCM Magazine is your best source of information for gas and oil collectibles. 2021 is our 27th year of publishing PCM. To date, the Benjamin / Henderson partnership has produced 18 books for the petroleum collectibles hobby. The latest are described on our Bookshelf page and are available for online purchase on our secure order system.
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Reaching the right people without wasting time or money is the key.

Our display advertising and classified ads are very successful in reaching a highly specialized petroleum collector audience for selling collectibles and services.
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PCM Site Menu
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- PCM Shop, Subscriptions, Books
- Subscriber Bragline Pictures
- PCM Magazine Article Sampler
Quick contact
Call from 9 6 p.m. EST
Appraisals, Research Authentication- $25
Scott Benjamin: (440) 213-8934
Wayne Henderson: (336) 706-3990
Email: Click Contact Page

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