SIGN collection – Shell, Mobil, Texaco, 6’ Time, Red Crown, 30”, two visible pumps, lots more. Call for list, Seattle area. Last time this will be for sale. Reduced to $22,000. Call 360-942-2511. You pick up, cash or cashier’s check. 307W
GAS pump salt & pepper shakers. Check out gasnshakers.com and feel free to send me an email or call 812-499-2996 John. 107W
PUMPS for sale: Bennett 541, 2 ad glass, $750; Bennett 541, 4 ad glass, $850; Tokheim 300, $350; 2 short Tokheims, both 4 ad glass, $425 each or $650 for the pair; Mobilgas script top, $1250. Also 4 Bennett 966s, $400 each; Wayne 100-A, $350; M&S 80, $400. 107W
Selling over 150 signs (no high end), some display racks, three restored pumps, cans bottles, etc. Bob 518-293-8375 or signman@localnet.com. 107W
ALWAYS a large selection of old original porcelain signs. Auto, Gas and Oil, Country Store, etc. Call 978-939-5053. 107W
1950 Richfield gas station training films in color. “Hook Line & Sinker” (21
minutes) “The Big Game Hunt” (18 minutes). Both contrast the fine points of
fishing and hunting to the fine points of good Dealer Operation. Both on one
DVD, $9.99 includes S&H, USA and Canada orders ONLY. (Note: may not play on some older DVD players). Tesscar, PO Box 333, Scappoose, OR 97056. To view film clips, visit www.tesscar-aluminum-craft.com. 107W
ALWAYS have gas pumps on hand for sale. Also miscellaneous gas station items. www.CRSAntiques.com, C.R. Svendsen, Berthoud, CO, phone 970-532-0612. 107W
ABSOLUTELY highest cash prices paid for old porcelain enamel advertising signs. Looking for collections large or small. Call 978-939-5053. 107W
JOHNSON Oil Company items wanted. Anything from “giveaways” and paper to globes, signs and pumps. Chicago based company used the names Brilliant Bronze, Joreco, Winged 70 and Johnson Time Tells Gasoline. Top dollar paid. Will also trade. Call Jeff Johnson @770-683-1972 or e-mail jeffjohnson@numail.org. 107W
TWO Pure maps – 1930s Southeastern states, one compliments of Sherrill Oil Co., one compliments of Shaw Bros. Oil Co. Charles Wells, 6533 Monnett Rd., Climax, NC 27223, 336-674-6254. 107W
INTERESTED in buying a Wayne 56 display pump. Would also be interested in a Wayne 50, 55 or Tokheim Display Pumps. Steve Lynch 2401 Laurel Dr. Burley, Idaho 83318 or 208-678-1201 evenings MST or email smlynch@cableone.net. 107W
I NEED some sheet metal parts, etc. for my ERIE 753 gas pump. If you are Parting one out, please let me know. Call or write Steve Lynch 2401 Laurel Dr. Burley, Idaho 83318 or 208-678-1201 evenings MST or email smlynch@cableone.net. 107W
KELLY Springfield signs – what do you have? Please contact Milnor Roberts 301-663-6421 Eastern time, WMROBERTS5@Yahoo.com. 107W
LICENSE PLATES: Older non-USA plates wanted. Any condition. Let me know what you have. If I can't use it, I can probably find someone else who could use it. Thanks. Dick Parker, One Old Mill Road, Greenwich, CT 06830 - dickparker@dickparker.com. 107W
BILLUPS items wanted! Any signs, globes, cans, wagons, toys. I am very interested. Please call Dwain Tycer at 985-542-8445 days or 985-345-3472 nights EST or write P.O. Box 159 Natalbany, LA 70451. 107W
LARGE upright slot machines wanted like Mills Dewey/Chicago or any
Caille Model from around the turn of the century. Single and doubles
unit machines wanted!!!!!!!!! Send pictures/condition & price to: Steve
Lynch 2401 Laurel Dr. Burley, Idaho 83318 or 208-678-1201 evenings MST
or email smlynch@cableone.net. 107W
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